Probiotics are a great supplement to your daily diet. From helping with digestion and gut health, they can provide numerous health benefits.

But if you buy probiotics that need to be stored in the refrigerator, such as yogurts or powders, how long can they stay out before they lose their potency?

In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at refrigerated probiotics and discuss how long these types of products remain viable when outside of the fridge.

We will address why it is important to store them properly and any risks associated with not doing so. So if you're interested in learning more about this essential element of your health care routine then come along on this journey.

What are probiotics and why are they important?

Probiotics are beneficial, live bacteria and other microorganisms that are found in certain foods or supplements. They can help to improve digestion, balance the gut microbiome, boost immunity and even reduce allergies. As such, they play an important role in overall health and wellbeing. But to get the most out of your probiotics, you have to ensure that they are stored correctly and remain viable.

Also, it's worth noting that not all probiotics require refrigeration. Some products are shelf-stable and can be kept at room temperature for extended periods of time without any loss of potency. However, when it comes to refrigerated probiotics, they do need to be kept cool in order to maintain their health benefits and prevent spoilage.

How to store probiotics in the fridge correctly

When it comes to storing probiotics in the fridge, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, make sure that the refrigerator is set at 40°F (4.5°C) or below. Any higher than this and the probiotic activity may start to decline and any harmful bacteria probiotic bacteria already present could begin to multiply too quickly, leading to spoilage.

Also, make sure that you keep the probiotics in their original packaging and avoid exposing them to any humidity, moisture or direct light. This will help to ensure that they stay viable for as long as possible. Additionally, try to store probiotics away from fermented foods with strong odors like garlic and onions since these can permeate the air and negatively affect the potency of the probiotics.

The shelf life of refrigerated probiotics

Under ideal storage conditions, refrigerated probiotics can remain viable for up to one year. However, this does depend on the type of product and its ingredients - some products may have a shorter shelf life than others. Therefore, it is important to check the expiration date and ensure that your own are refrigerated probiotics that are within their best-by date before consuming them.

It is also worth noting that the potency of probiotics may begin to decline after they have been opened, even if they are kept in the fridge. As such, it is best to use them up within a few days or weeks of opening. Similarly, if you store your probiotics for too long without using them then their potency may be reduced as well.

Best practices for refrigerating different types of probiotics

When refrigerating different types of probiotics, it is important to follow the instructions on the ice pack packaging. For instance, some yogurts or drinks may need to be kept in the fridge while other powder or capsule products may not. Similarly, certain temperature-sensitive products like kombucha should also need to be refrigerated or stored at 40°F (4.5°C) and kept away from heat sources.

Also, bear in mind that some probiotics supplements are formulated to be taken with food or water and should not be stored in the fridge for extended periods of time. If you buy these types of products then make sure that you use them as soon as possible after purchase.

Indicators that your probiotics have gone bad

If you have stored your probiotics correctly and within their best-by date then there should be no risk of them going bad. However, it is worth keeping an eye out for any signs that the product has started to spoil.

This could include discoloration or a distinct odor, as well as foam forming on top of the yogurt or drink. If you notice any of these indicators then it is best to discard the product immediately and purchase fresh probiotics instead.

Plus, if you purchase probiotics that are past their best-by date then it is even more important to check for signs of spoilage before consuming them.

Alternatives to refrigeration for storing probiotics

If you don't have access to a refrigerator then there are still some options for storing probiotics. For instance, many powder and capsule products are shelf-stable and can be kept at room temperature without any significant loss of potency. Additionally, many over-the-counter probiotic strain supplements also come in the form of capsules or tablets which can be stored safely at room temperature.

Also, as mentioned earlier, some products are specially formulated to be taken without refrigeration. These should be refrigerated section used within a few days of opening and kept away from direct heat sources.

How Long Can Refrigerated Probiotics Stay Out

The answer to this question depends on the type of product and how it has been stored. Under ideal storage conditions, refrigerated most probiotic strains can remain viable for up to one year. However, once opened, their potency may start to decline after a few weeks or days depending on the ingredients.

Therefore, it is important to check the expiration date and store them at 40°F (4.5°C) or below to ensure that they remain at their most potent. Additionally, be sure to check for any indicators of spoilage before consuming them as this could indicate that the probiotics have gone bad.

Finally, if you don't have access to a refrigerator then there are still some options available such as shelf-stable powder and capsule products. Additionally, some products are specially formulated to be taken without refrigeration and can be kept at room temperature safely for a short time after opening.

Overall, it is to ensure that you store your probiotics correctly in order to get the most out of them and enjoy their many health benefits. Taking a few simple steps such as checking the probiotic supplements expire date and storing them at the right temperature will go a long way towards achieving this.


Can I freeze probiotics?

No, freezing probiotic supplement can significantly reduce their potency. Plus, the organisms may become dormant and unable to provide the health benefits that you require. Therefore, it is best to keep them in the fridge at 40°F (4.5°C) or below instead.

Should I refrigerate probiotic supplements?

It depends on the type of supplement. Some products, such as capsules and tablets, may be shelf stable probiotics and can be stored at room temperature without any significant loss of potency. However, other supplements such as yogurts or lactobacillus acidophilus may need to be kept in the fridge at 40°F (4.5°C) or below. Be sure to check the packaging for storage instructions before purchase.

Is it possible to tell if probiotics have gone bad?

Yes, there are a few signs that you can look out for which may indicate that your probiotics have gone bad. These include discoloration or a distinct odor, as well as foam forming on top of the yogurt or drink. If you notice any of these indicators then it is best to discard the product and purchase fresh probiotics instead.


In conclusion, it can be very confusing to figure out how long refrigerated probiotics can stay out and still remain effective.

It is always best for the consumer to check with the specific manufacturer of their probiotics to determine more precise instructions.

Generally speaking, most probiotic products can be stored at room temperature for shorter periods of time without loss of potency but should ultimately be returned to the refrigerator or consumed within 3-6 months.

As is always the case when dealing with dietary supplements, it never hurts to err on the side of caution and making sure that you follow any prescribed storage instructions given by the manufacturer.

Knowing this information will ensure that your refrigerated probiotic product is as safe and effective as possible, ultimately enhancing your digestive health.

With all this in mind be sure to do what is right for you and remember: How Long Can Refrigerated Probiotics Stay Out?

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