In recent years, probiotics have become a popular addition to many people’s diets. Probiotic-rich foods and supplements may offer an array of health benefits, including improved digestion and immunity.

However, one question that commonly arises is whether probiotics remain effective when not kept in the refrigerator.

In this blog post we take a closer look at what you need to know about storing your probiotic products safely so you can reap all the potential benefits from them.

What are Probiotics and Why Do We Need Them?

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that are naturally found in many fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi. They offer a range of health benefits such as aiding digestion, strengthening the gut and immune system, and reducing inflammation in the body. Taking probiotic supplements is often recommended for individuals who have digestive issues or compromised immunity.

Plus, as probiotics are living organisms, they also need to be refrigerated and handled with care. This means being mindful of how you store them, especially if refrigeration is not an option for whatever reason.

The Pros and Cons of Refrigerated vs Non-refrigerated Probiotics

Here are some of the pros and cons of are refrigerated probiotics vs non-refrigerated probiotics:

Refrigeration Pros:

  1. Refrigeration helps to preserve probiotic bacteria, as cooler temperatures slow down the growth rate. This means that when stored in a refrigerator, you can be sure that your probiotics will remain potent for longer.
  2. Refrigeration also helps to prevent the proliferation of mold and other contaminants, making probiotics stored in a refrigerator less likely to become contaminated.

Refrigeration Cons:

  1. Not all refrigerators are built for storing probiotics, as they may not have sufficiently cool temperatures or consistent humidity levels necessary for probiotics to remain viable.
  2. Refrigeration can also be inconvenient and costly, as it requires an additional storage space and electricity usage.

How to Store Non-Refrigerated Probiotics for Optimal Safety & Freshness

If refrigeration is not an option for you, there are still some steps you can take to ensure that your probiotics remain safe and effective:

  1. Look for a product that has been freeze-dried or vacuum packed. Freeze-drying removes moisture from the many probiotic bacteria, making them shelf-stable and less likely to be contaminated. Vacuum packing also removes oxygen and moisture from the product, helping to preserve it and reduce contamination.
  2. Avoid excessive heat or direct sunlight. Probiotics are sensitive to both of these conditions and can be rendered ineffective if exposed for too long. To ensure your freeze dried probiotics retain potency, keep them out of direct sunlight and away from any hot areas such as radiators or sunny windowsills.
  3. Make sure the product is sealed properly and that the seal remains intact until use. If not, it can let in moisture which can lead to contamination or spoilage of the probiotics.

An Overview of the Different Types of Non-refrigerated Probiotics

There are several different types of probiotic products available that do not probiotics require refrigeration. These include:

  • Powdered probiotics – these can usually be stored at room temperature for up to two years, and should be kept in a cool, dry area away from any heat sources.
  • Tablets and capsules – these are usually shelf-stable and can be stored for up to one year. Again, they should be kept in a cool, dry area away from any heat sources.
  • Probiotic liquid supplements – these are typically shelf-stable and can be kept at room temperature for up to six months. Make sure you check the expiration date before use.

Tips for Choosing the Right Probiotic Brand

No matter what type of probiotic you choose, it’s important to make sure you buy your products from a reputable brand. The best way to do this is by researching the company and making sure they produce quality, effective probiotic supplements expire and with a minimum of fillers or additives.

It’s also important to read ingredient labels carefully and look for ones that contain probiotic strain of probiotics that are backed by scientific research. This will help you make sure you’re getting the most benefit from your probiotic supplement.

Final Thoughts on Keeping Your Probiotics Healthy and Effective

It’s true that refrigeration can help to keep probiotic bacteria alive and effective for longer. However, if you don’t have access to a refrigerator or just want the convenience of non-refrigerated probiotics, there are still some steps you can take to ensure your product remains safe and effective.

Look for products that have been freeze-dried or vacuum packed, as well as products from reputable brands. Read the ingredient labels carefully and look for strains of probiotics that are backed by scientific research. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your probiotic supplement remains potent and effective even when stored at room temperature.

With probiotics becoming increasingly popular, it’s important to make sure you understand how to store them safely so that you can reap all the potential health benefits they offer. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure your probiotics remain fresh and effective for as long as possible.

Are Probiotics Still Good If Not Refrigerated

The answser to this question is yes - if they are stored correctly. While refrigeration can help to preserve probiotic bacteria, non-refrigerated probiotics can still remain effective if you follow the tips outlined in this blog post.

This includes looking for products that have been freeze-dried or vacuum packed, avoiding excessive heat or direct sunlight, and making sure the product is properly sealed until use.

Additionally, it’s important to buy your probiotics from a reputable brand and read the ingredient labels carefully for strains of probiotics that are backed by scientific research.

By taking these steps, you can make sure your probiotic supplement is safe and effective, even if not refrigerated.


Should I take probiotics every day?

It depends on your health goals and the specific type of probiotic supplement you are taking. In general, it is recommended to take probiotics regularly in order to reap their potential benefits. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements or making major changes to your diet.

How long do non-refrigerated probiotics last?

Non-refrigerated probiotics can usually be stored at room temperature for up to two years, provided they have been freeze-dried or vacuum packed. Always check the expiration date printed on the package and avoid excessive heat or direct sunlight.

What are some signs that my probiotic supplement might be no longer effective?

If your probiotic supplement is no longer effective, it may have been contaminated or expired. You may also notice an unpleasant smell coming from the packaging, as this can indicate spoilage. If you think there is a environmental factors problem with your probiotics, contact the manufacturer for further instructions.


In conclusion, the answer to the question, “are probiotics still good if not refrigerated?”, is that it depends. While ideal storage of probiotics is in a cool dry place or the refrigerator, many probiotics can still remain effective while stored at room temperature for short periods of time.

To ensure longer effectiveness and shelf life of your probiotics supplements, however, it is important to follow proper storage techniques and instructions on the particular product carefully.

Additionally, when buying probiotic supplements make sure to look for those with added prebiotics to increase their effectiveness.

To learn more about safely taking and storing probiotic supplements research further or speak with your doctor.

Are Probiotics Still Good If Not Refrigerated? Do some research today and arm yourself with the information needed to make an informed decision regarding your daily gut health and routine.

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